Sunday 10 May 2015

Being on steroids

I survived, The kids survived, the house survived. DH is now home and all is back to normality. I've managed 2 bedtimes on my own and I'm chuffed. I'd like to take all the credit, but I can't. Most of the credit must go to the prednisalone, the 30mg a day cursing around my body. Amazing stuff. I feel like superwoman! I even thought I'd be able to weed the whole garden once I'd put the kids to bed at 12:30, how crazy is that? But, I saw sense, you'll be pleased to know and decided to retreat to the sofa and watch TV. I attempted to do a little more of the jigsaw I found, it started it when I was pregnant, so not touched it in almost 2.5 years, but my mind wasn't on it. I just lay on the sofa and fell asleep. The Rheumatology nurse did tell me to Pace myself. Even my lovely Homestart lady rang me to see if I was ok, bless her. To be honest, without the steroids, I really would have struggled. I'd have managed, as my beloved sister said I would, but it would have been a up-hill battle, filled with tears (from me) and a lot of television for the kids. But we went for a couple of walks in the sun, went up to my In-Laws, who offered to give the kids lunch and generally just lazed around. 
I have found the steroids have improved my appetite and I've taken no pain relief for 2 days! Whoop Whoop! The appetite, wow. I know the Rheumy nurse warned me about my appetite picking up, I did carry twins for 34 weeks so I do remember, but even I've been taken by surprise. I don't keep treats in the house (I eat them) so I've just snacked on anchovies, olives and feta cheese! I've been craving anchovies since the whole methotrexate thing and appetite drop in March, I have no idea what that's all about! But it does amuse me. 100% not pregnant! I can eat a whole pack of anchovies in one sitting (they have to be marinated in vinegar, garlic and lemon juice though), DH can't understand it either. My calcium has been low and after research it does say that fish containing bones which you eat co actin more calcium...perhaps my body is telling me something?!
My bedtime sleep still isn't perfect, but hell, with improved energy in the day, no pain, improved appetite (no nausea), life can't be 100% perfect! Sorry, but it never is. I can sacrifice a few hours sleep at night if I can function well in the day.
Now to start another week, a busy week, of being a stay at home mum to twins. Only this week, I have no pain and more energy. Hurrah for steroids!

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