Saturday 23 May 2015

Hearing the dawn chorus

So, I heard the dawn chorus this morning for the second time in 48 hours. It really is a beautiful thing to hear, I just wish I had managed to get some sleep before it started up! Lights out at 22:15 and I was still awake at 0400. How is that even possible when one is in pain and so weary and tired? I took NRAS advice and got up, went downstairs and folded the dry clothes, stacked the dishwasher and put it on and came back to bed. It did feel good to have a change of scenery at 0230! I'm just not feeling well. Can't really put my finger on it, just not feeling well. I put everything I feel down to side effects of my medications, but I'm not sure today. I have a sneaky suspicion this is because I have run the Steroid Gauntlet, allowed the steroid honeymoon wave of me feeling like Superwomen to overcome me and I've overdone it, big style. The result, not being able to get out of bed, feeling like I have lead weights instead of limbs and actually feeling pretty rough and ill! Just what I want on a bank holiday weekend. I'm hoping that if I spend today in bed and hubby looks after the children, in his normal amazing fashion, I will be able to enjoy the next 2 days. I've decided I will definately take my Amytripltaline tonight. I need a good nights sleep and with the pain creeping back in, yes, I didn't even mention that part yet, I need to think about rest and sleep. I have been very busy these past couple of weeks, I've enjoyed having energy and being largely pain free...who wouldn't make the most of that?!
My children have been a constant delight these past few weeks too, their vocabulary is growing daily and I, loving seeing how their sentence structure is developing. They are both so different to each other and they're just a joy to watch.
I've bought a FitBit to wear constantly and I will be certainly watching what it says about sleep tracking (or lack of!) when it arrives. I'm very strict about not having mobiles or iPads with me in the bedroom and my kindle doesn't have a backlight and nothing has changed. So it's frustrating and I guess like a lot of things RA related, there may not be any rhyme or reason. It's just one of those fact, as I was stacking the dishwasher at 0230 I had a vague memory of hearing my Mum doing the same thing at a similar I realise why she did it too.

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