Saturday 9 May 2015

Steroid tablets- pros and cons

Up until now I've had 3 large steroid injections, 2x 160mg and 1x 120mg, each about 6 weeks apart! So the flare up which happened last weekend was the culmination of there being no more steroids in my system. Nudder, none, zero. Not good when the DMARDS haven't kicked in yet. So, my lovely rheumatoid nurse decided to put me on steroid tablets, 30mg every day for a week, then reduce accordingly. So I took my first dose on Wednesday, noticed more energy on Thursday and more again yesterday. Still in pain (don't understand that?!) but more energy. Always important when dh is away all weekend up in London working. My first weekend without dh's help since my diagnosis in December. My wonderful MIL and her partner had the kiddies over night last night and until nap time today which means I had my first ever night in this house on my own! No kids, no husband and even no cats! So, I prepared myself for a good nights sleep. Got into my wonderful bed after completing some chores, so I didn't lie in bed in the morning worrying about doing them, read for a bit, as usual, then turned out light at 2245. I lay sleep...tossing and turning. Took another tramadol 😏 for knee and shoulder pain. Still not asleep at 00:25, then I must have dozed off as I woke at 0345 then 0715 then 0930. Seriously! On the one night I have the whole king sized bed to myself, no kids and the insomnia side effect from the steroids kick in! Not impressed. So now I'm in bed, having had my meds with breakfast watching Saturday Kitchen writing this. I've had a text from MIL saying kids slept 7pm-8am (they always sleep really well after nursery), they've had a bath and are just off out for a walk. Perfect for them. They're being dropped back here just in time for their next nap (some time between 12:30-1300). They'll sleep well then too! Yay! Anyway, back to steroids, so, my appetite hasn't picked up yet, I've got insomnia, I'm still in pain but I have more energy. Not a bad thing when I'm on my own with 2 bouncy 2 year old twins! To be honest, I'm a little confused as to why I'm still in pain. Maybe after a couple more days. Perhaps my calcium is still low (my doctors receptionist clearly didn't pass the message on to the nurse who took my blood that I needed my calcium re-testing as it was low in March), because I know that low calcium can cause joint pain. Ho hum. Plus, have you taken steroid tablets? They are small and white, boring looking tablets, in fact they are the smallest of the tablets I take in the morning, but they taste the worst! Bitter and horrid. What's that all about? My poor Earl Grey tea is ruined every morning by those little horrors.
I have to admit, as much as I was grateful that MIL took the kids for the night, the house was very quiet. Just little old me. Missed that final check on them as the kids sleep peacefully, sprawled out in their cot beds, as I check they aren't cold and the gentle restful breathing they have. Love that feeling, that they are sleeping peacefully. I'm looking forward to them coming back and getting cuddles from them. They really do give me the best cuddles and therapy.

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